Saturday, April 24, 2010

Green Tea and Red bean swiss roll

Green tea and red bean. Matcha and Azuki. Is there a better pairing with the bitterness of the green matcha nicely rounded out with the sweetness of the red bean paste? They compliment each other so well that it's kinda like basil and tomatoes, pineapple and coconut, chocolate and...chocolate?? Well, you know what I mean.

Siwss roll, swiss roll, what should I do so you don't crack? Others suggest roll and cool and unroll, then fill and roll again; cool with the cake wrapped then fill and roll.... Tried it all with both success in failures of each method. From my humble opinion (with a couple cracked swiss roll under my belt) I find that I like to trim, fill, and roll as soon as it's done baking. The cake is still pliant and soft. The tip is to work fast. Gather all your stuff ready, no dilly dallying here!

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